Several of our full blood cows are currently in embryo programs, and the great news is that we have embryos readily available in 2 month cycles, please contact us directly for more information regarding pedigrees and availability as our embryos are booked in advance.
Our goal is to have control over the full value chain in order to provide you with the best possible products. Since traceability is very important to us, we make it easier for you by providing all the products you need to save you effort, cost and the most valuable asset, time!
Listed below is some of our upcoming projects that we are very excited about. Some of them are already up and running, but keep an eye out for our subscription letter as well as our social media pages where we will inform you about the latest developments here at the Trifill Group.
Construction is in process and we will be ready to buy your weaner calves before the end of 2024
Labs and Veterinary Services
Abbatoir and Processing Plant
The plant is in the pipeline and we are actively working towards your great eating experience. Meanwhile we have selected cuts available for purchase.
Please contact us for pricing and availability or visit the Trifill Butcher Shop to place your order